Fabio Duma
Zurich University of Applied Sciences, School of Management and Law (ZHAW)
Dr. oec. HSG Fabio Duma is a senior lecturer, researcher and Head of the Competence Team Luxury Management at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, School of Management and Law (ZHAW SML) and Adjunct Research Fellow at the Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Australia. He holds a PhD in Management from the University of St. Gallen (HSG). His doctoral thesis on the management of personal interaction in luxury retail was supported by numerous renowned Swiss manufacturers and retailers of luxury timepieces. He works with companies in the luxury, fashion and tourism sectors on a regular basis and serves as a board member and advisor in various organizations. Fabio is the co-founder and president of Orbis Excellentiae – Circle of the Finest, an international association of independent, privately owned purveyors of excellence. At ZHAW SML, Fabio teaches undergraduate, graduate and continuing education courses on luxury management and related topics and has lectured at La Rochelle Business School, Grande École de Management; Woodbury University in Los Angeles, California, and in the Leeds University Business School’s Virtual International Program. In 2016 he won the Best Paper Award at the Journée Internationale du Marketing Horloger; 2019 he got awarded faculty membership in the international business honor society of Beta Gamma Sigma for his contributions to excellence in the education of business and 2020 he received the Best Learning & Teaching Award 2020 by the ZHAW SML awarded to the faculty in charge of the Financial Times ranked flagship program MSc International Business.
His current interests and activities in luxury research:
– Luxury strategy & business models: Luxury foresight; Luxury ecosystems & new luxury business models; Digital transformation; Niche strategies; Success factors of luxury SME & Start-ups
– Luxury consumption: Connoisseurship consumption; Luxury brand legitimacy in connoisseurship subcultures; Intercultural & inter-generational aspects of luxury consumption
– Sustainable luxury: Second-hand luxury; Cross-cultural perspectives on sustainable luxury
– Luxury experience: Management of Personal Interaction in Luxury Retail; Tech-enabled multisensorial luxury experiences
(2021, forthcoming). There Is No Such Thing as The Millennial – A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Luxury and Prestige Perception Among Young People in Switzerland and South Korea.
Pedrazzi, Camilla; Duma, Fabio; Gadgil, Maya
Developing Successful Global Strategies for Marketing Luxury Brands. Fabrizio Mosca & Rosalia Gallo (Eds.). IGI Global
(2021, forthcoming). The Business of Luxury Pivots: Discovering The Evolving Luxury Consumer Through Social Data
Bendoni, Wendy; Duma, Fabio
Developing Successful Global Strategies for Marketing Luxury Brands. Fabrizio Mosca & Rosalia Gallo (Eds.). IGI Global.
(2020). Mastering the Digital Transformation as a Heritage Luxury Fashion Brand. Marché et Organisations
Duma, Fabio; Labati, Florence; Brunetti, Gianluca; Gadgil, Maya
Editions L' Harmattan. p. 33-54. https://doi.org/10.3917/maorg.037.0033
(2019). Balancing Tradition and Innovation: Assessment of New Luxury Hospitality Business Models and Their Implications on 5-star Hotels in Switzerland
Fernandes, Luca; Duma, Fabio
Global Fashion Management Conference at Paris Proceedings. Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations. p. 515-521. https://doi.org/10.15444/GFMC2019.05.06.03
(2019). Breaking the Rules of Luxury: Decoding a Born Digital Niche Watch Brand’s Recipe for Success in a Competitive Market
Duma, Fabio; Gadgil, Maya
. Global Fashion Management Conference at Paris Proceedings. Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations. p. 554-564. https://doi.org/10.15444/GFMC2019.05.08.02
(2018). Management der persönlichen Interaktion im Verkauf von Luxusgütern: eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von Schweizer Luxusuhren
Duma, Fabio
Dissertation Universität St. Gallen (HSG). Bamberge: Difo-Druck. http://www1.unisg.ch/www/edis.nsf/SysLkpByIdentifier/4761/$FILE/dis4761.pdf
(2018). David versus Goliath “Deluxe”: Innovative Approaches of Niche Entrepreneurs and Why They Flourish in the Big Shadow of Mainstream Luxury
Duma, Fabio; Gadgil, Maya
Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo Proceedings. Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations. p. 1494-1502. https://doi.org/10.15444/GMC2018.12.08.01
(2017). Economies of Small: Niche Strategies and Success Factors of Independent Luxury Brands in a Global Market Dominated by Big Business
Duma, Fabio; Popcsev, Mark; Seelhofer, Daniel
Global Fashion Management Conference at Vienna Proceedings. Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations. p. 343-350. https://doi.org/10.15444/GFMC2017.04.08.01